
Exploring the science of startups

Spinning Ourselves Around: How to Manage The Emotional Turmoil of Crises

Spinning Ourselves Around: How to Manage The Emotional Turmoil of Crises

Entrepreneurs are exhausted. They have been operating their businesses during a pandemic for two years. Not to mention the years of civil strife. Entrepreneurial passion is not always enough to get us through the emotional turmoil of crises. And, undoubtedly, there will be a string of future crises. Whether it is future COVID-19 spikes, hurricanes, […]

Why Most Entrepreneurs Quit

Ray Kroc. Steve Jobs. Evan Williams.

These powerhouse entrepreneurs have one thing in common—persistence.

Kroc relentlessly built the McDonald’s restaurant chain throughout both America and the world, in spite of stiff opposition from his own business partners.

Jobs epitomized the spirit of not giving up when he rejoined Apple as its CEO—after suffering the humiliation of being fired from that same iconic company that he co-founded years before.

You may know Willams from his work as a co-founder of Twitter. Or as the visionary leader of Medium.

But, Williams’s entrepreneurial journey started well before either of those companies.

What makes an entrepreneur?

Capital and Commitment

Sixty-three percent of Americans desire self-employment. So what’s stopping them? And, are those who work for themselves really more satisfied than those working for others? In their 1998 article, “What makes an entrepreneur?” Blanchflower and Oswald analyzed data gathered from the United States and other industrialized countries, uncovering answers to these fundamental questions about who becomes an entrepreneur.

The authors’ analysis answers timeless questions still relevant to today’s aspiring entrepreneurs.