
Exploring the science of startups

Spinning Ourselves Around: How to Manage The Emotional Turmoil of Crises

Image of the article Spinning Ourselves Around: How to Manage The Emotional Turmoil of Crises

Entrepreneurs are exhausted. They have been operating their businesses during a pandemic for two years. Not to mention the years of civil strife. Entrepreneurial passion is not always enough to get us through the emotional turmoil of crises. And, undoubtedly, there will be a string of future crises. Whether it is future COVID-19 spikes, hurricanes, or social and political strife, entrepreneurs in the U.S. need ways to understand and cope with the emotional turmoil they will face.

My latest article, written with Dr. Marty Martin, a clinical psychologist and management professor, looks at the research on the effects of crises on an entrepreneur’s emotions and provides guidance on how they might better cope. (See Spinning Ourselves Around: How to Manage The Emotional Turmoil of Crises on for the full article.)

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